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The Trap Stock Photos

The Traps stock photos. Trapped by distraction, cash, biotech or sensitivity? These stock photos are perfect for your blog post or editorial.

The Trap Stock Photos

New Trap Stock Photos for your business blogging efforts from Matt McKee Photography!

Do you feel trapped by technology? Trapped by the lure of easy money? Are you on a hair trigger? How’s your productivity and focus with all of the beeps and notifications from your mobile device?

These stock photos of a bear trap with cash and other items on the trigger are perfect for editorial and blog posts.

Easy image purchase and licensing, just click on the images to get instant downloads.

In our hectic, frenetic world, we often feel trapped, or risk being trapped, by distractions that pull our focus, by cash flow needs, by the marketing programs of Big Pharma and by other outside influences.

You can also browse other stock images available here or below.

More Stock Photos Available . . .

An editorial photography tour of Holcomb's Used Cars, an award winning shop where vintage and classic vehicles are brought back to factory original!

Mobile Device Virus Stock Photos

Mobile Device Virus Stock Photos are now available for your blog post or editorial about mobile security and identity thefts.

Just your above average stock photo of a skull with a santa claus hat. Just what you need this holiday season. Don't tell the kiddies!

Mobile device conceptual stock photos are now available for your blog post or editorial about mobile security and identity thefts.