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Mobile Device Conceptual Stock Photos

Mobile device conceptual stock photos are now available for your blog post or editorial about mobile security and identity thefts.

The Mobile Device Trap!

New Mobile Device Trap Stock Photos for your business blogging efforts from Matt McKee Photography!

Do you feel trapped by technology? The temptation to while away the hours on your smart phone? How about securing your data? Is your phone safe from identity thieves?

These images of a smart phone with a mouse trap and with a pad lock are perfect for editorial blog posts about security and distractions.

Easy image purchase and licensing, just click on the images to get instant downloads.

Smart phones and devices have made our lives easier.

Of that there is no doubt. But, they have also given rise to new methods of hacking and security fraud. They have made it easier for the fraudsters and thieves to access our personal data, giving rise to a whole new crop of identity thieves.

Now, I am not saying that padlocking your phone is a good idea, or even feasible. But, change your password, don’t use your phone on open wifi systems and don’t use the same password for multiple accounts.

Protect yourselves from the world!

You can also browse other stock images available here or below.

More Stock Photos Available . . .

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