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Lois Lowry, Author of The Giver

Creating a portrait of Lois Lowry, author of “The Giver” on location for Houghton Mifflin.
Creating a portrait of Lois Lowry, author of “The Giver” on location for Houghton Mifflin.

Creating a Lois Lowry portrait for Houghton Mifflin

Lois Lowry, Author of The Giver
Lois Lowry, author of The Giver, at her home in Cambridge, MA

I had the opportunity to create a portrait of Lois Lowry, the author of The Giver, for her publisher, Houghton Mifflin, on location at her home in Cambridge, MA.

The movie was still in it’s production phase at that point and Ms. Lowry was just about to come out with “Son“, number 4 in the Giver series.

We met up with publicist Karen Walsh and Ms. Lowry and, after a quick scout, decided that the natural lighting scenario in her dining room was ideal to get across her personality.

We added a little interior lighting to open up the shadows but otherwise kept things simple and clean.

It was a pleasure to work with her and talk about the series. (Full disclosure: I purchased and read “The Giver” about two days before shooting the assignment, so I would have something to talk about with her.)

Since then, my Lois Lowry portrait has shown up every place from  to to the Huffington Post to her twitter page.

I took in the movie, directed by Phillip Noyce, who had also done Salt, The Saint and The Patriot Games, this past weekend with the family. 

Like most movies from books, they had to pick and choose what to keep and what to change, much to some young fans’ frustration. But, it’s a good flick and definitely worth seeing.

If you haven’t read it yet, definitely check it out. It’s a great story!

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