Industrial Product Photography in the New Reality
Industrial Product Photography
Yep, we’re still shooting products in these, ah, interesting times. A number of my clients have taken this time to start planning their industrial product photography for marketing campaigns teed up for the brighter days that are coming.
Of course, we have made a few changes to the workflow.
The New Industrial Product Photography Workflow
We had already started to do remote proofing for our industrial product photography before the world served up this virus.
A client would reach out with their industrial product photography concepts, send in the industrial product and we would have a video conference call to discuss the strategies for the shoot.
Then, on the day of the shoot, the client would be able to work from their office and receive updates and snaps from the set of their product before approving the final image.
The finals would go to retouching and be delivered electronically. And, the products would be sent back. Or, not, depending on the client (thank you, liquor companies! Your product has been put to good use!).
The Corporate Headshot
Please note: headshots, unfortunately, are currently on hold until we get a more reasonable handle on keeping people (crew and clients) safe.
Industrial product photography and People Photography is back!
And, we are currently planning on picking up location photography work again in June.
Although that date may change as the news about the virus evolves.
Still, no time like the present to start planning your next campaign!
The Future is Always Coming
Yes, brighter days are coming and with it, new opportunities for industrial product photography. I have to believe that and hope you do as well.
In the mean time, now is the perfect time to plan for when we can come out of isolation and get back to what we do best: living life to the fullest, creating our best selves and making the products that make America proud!
Stay safe and reach out if you are thinking about your next marketing campaign.
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