Stories of People and Lifestyle Photography
A selection of greatest hits in 2020 - Photos and clients that I am so thankful for during this very odd and disappointing year.
Headshots are for creative credibility. People judge each other in a fraction of a second. And, on the internet, you never see the ones that walk away.
What is your personal brand? Use Yin Yang Executive Portraits to show both business and personality!
Creating a portrait of Lois Lowry, author of "The Giver" on location for Houghton Mifflin.
The corporate business portrait, headshots, avatars, profiles, and publicity shots are more validating now than they have ever been.
The fun part about creating editorial portraits is meeting really interesting people and then creating the perfect, dramatic portrait!
Corporate team building exercises take all kinds of forms. How about an off-site retreat corporate portrait session?
This was a special day for photographing the corporate culture of a very special group. After all, it’s not every day that you have the opportunity to shoot in room full of cops.
Your picture is worth a thousand words. Make sure they are saying what you want to say.
A Business Headshot is more than just a portrait. It is a marketing tool that represents you to your potential clients, partners and vendors.
The most important part of any executive portraits happens long before we pick up a camera. We must decide just what exactly we want that photo to do.
People and Lifestyle Photography
Stories about People and Lifestyle photography, including Executive Portraits in the studio and corporate lifestyle on location in offices and facilities.
There are even some How To… guides for how to start planning your next photoshoot and make sure it runs smoothly.
These are the latest tales about people and lifestyle photography from a Boston based commercial photographer.
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