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Objects on the Internet Appear Simpler -Art Show

Objects in the Internet Appear Simpler than they are. An art show with a little bit of politics.

Objects On The Internet Appear Simpler Than They Are

When: January 3, 2020
Time 6-8pm
Where: CFA Gallery, 460 Harrison Ave, Suite 21C, Boston, MA 02118

Clothslined 2019 Matt McKee
Clothslined 2019 Matt McKee

New Photographic Illustrations from Matt McKee

No fast conclusions
Without examination
Of data from all sources

Artists turn your heads
Force you to reconsider
Your knee-jerk thinking

Reconsider it:
Observe, gather data, test –
Is it truly real?

Bag Lunch, 2019 Matt McKee
Bag Lunch, 2019 Matt McKee

The Political Illustrations of Matt McKee

Objects On The Internet Appear Simpler Than They Are is a direct result of an on going conversation that I am having with someone close to me. They email me a “new breaking news story” multiple times a week that ranges from out of context quotes to amazing jumps of conjecture to blatant lies.

My friend is not creating these quotes, articles and memes. Simply passing them on to me and others in their address book. But, in doing so, they are perpetuating the myths, lies and conspiracy theories and, tacitly, endorsing them.

For a while, I would take 10 minutes out of my day to do a little research and uncover the red herrings and falsehoods in the piece. And, then I would share that with them.

A couple of days later, a new email shows up with another conspiracy.

This is a smart person. This may be their way of interacting with me. Or, it may be that they, in the moment, believe the easily disprovable hype.

Either way, the interactions caused me to make a rule for myself: No knee-jerk reactions!

Whatever your initial reaction, chances are that the information is not immediately life threatening. So, if you feel strongly about something, ask yourself why?

Is it because of the way it was written? Is it because of a certain fear that you have always had? Is it really a threat?

And, if it does appear to be a threat, is it the truth? Is it scientifically provable that it is a danger?

Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away. –

Bear Trap #2 by Matt McKee
Bear Trap #2 by Matt McKee

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