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Love Art Open Party!

Get your Valentine’s on and join us for a celebration of love, art and more. Get a tour of the studio and check out the collection! Feb 3, 4-7pm, second floor of the Lofts at Westinghouse!

The Love Art Open Party

Or, Love Open Art Party, or, Party Love Art Open or …

Saturday, Feb 3, 4-7pm

Get your Valentine’s on and join us for a pre-Valentine’s/pre-SuperBowl/Art Fest/Open House/Studio at McKee Photography on the 2nd Floor of the Lofts at Westinghouse.

Featuring select pieces from Sweet Blasts!, Promethean Dreams, PWTBD (Concepts), Posters, landscapes, canvases and more!

Art, food and good company.

Lobster Says Hello
Lobster Says Hello
Breakfast of Champions
Breakfast of Champions

Every one likes new friends! Bring a friend (who is not on our mailing list) and you will get a gift bag filled with goodies! (no one actually mentioned chocolate, so don’t start any rumors… heh. heh.)

Also, featuring metal works from guest artist, Shayco Industries!

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