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Studio Grand Opening Party is Off The Hook!

Party central at McKee Photography at Studio 7!

New Studio in time for New Year!

For those who couldn’t make it, here are a few pics from the Studio Grand Opening Bash and Art Smooze on December 4th. The turn out was fantastic and a lot of people went on from my studio to the other studios who were participating in the Hyde Park Open Studios in our building.

If you made it, thank you so much for coming out. We had a blast.

If you missed it, I have a feeling we will do this again soon!

(And, if you are bored by party picks, feel free to check out my other blog posts or portfolios instead…. 😉

My thanks to Dad for playing paparrazzi, Mom and Julie for cooking up a feast, Steve and Dan for great wine selections, the Boys for bartending, Irene for sage marketing advice, my neighbors, and everyone else who showed up!

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