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Winning Business Radio Podcast “The Business of Photography”

Hey Ma! I’m on the radio! Check out this interview for Winning Business Radio, where host Kevin Hallinan interviews me about the busines of photography.

Hey, Ma! I’m on the radio!

Kevin Hallinan, one of the principles of Winning Inc, and host of Winning Business Radio on, reached out to me a short time ago and invited me on his show to talk about the business of photography.

I have been interviewed before, but not in this format. It was a very interesting process and a fun project. There were lots of listener questions and Kevin does a great interview.

Check out the show at the link below, or look up Winning Business Radio on your favorite podcast app.

The Business of Photography

Kevin Hallinan, Winning Inc.

I met Kevin Hallinan,  a number of years ago, through the Neponset River Regional Chamber. He got me involved with his training program, which really helped me to figure out how best to help my clients meet their marketing goals.

Along the way, I also had the opportunity to create headshots for his company. His headshot is the one that they used on the promo card for the podcast and radio show.

Other Interviews

As I mentioned, I have been interviewed in the past. Here’s a couple of my favs, talking about the business of photography, if you are interested.

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