Stories of People and Lifestyle Photography
Custom character portrait photography for the show Poster - Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike!
We photographed 250+ life science professionals in 16 hours. It worked... but there was some challenges!
Yes, we are doing marketing photography. Our Covid Policies are changing as we know more. Check our Coronavirus Safe Photo Session Tips and stay up to date
How we approached law office rebranding photography sessions for a recent law firm. And, how to think about client interaction casting.
A selection of greatest hits in 2020 - Photos and clients that I am so thankful for during this very odd and disappointing year.
Creating a new Hi Identity Headshot for Glen Hawkins in the studio, under coronavirus safe conditions. Branding doesn't stop...
Your head shot mindset will make the difference between a successful headshot and one that can actually hurt your reputation. Here's how I approach it.
Hey Ma! I'm on the radio! Check out this interview for Winning Business Radio, where host Kevin Hallinan interviews me about the busines of photography.
Thank you for a fantastic 2019 year of photography! It was an incredible year and I am so thankful to everyone who made it possible.
Headshots for the Web and Beyond: Creating portraits of a certified sex therapist is just as fun as you would imagine it!
Candid corporate lifestyle photography is the art of capturing real people, doing real things, and making them look really good! Ah, but there is a catch! And, we know how to get around it.
People and Lifestyle Photography
Stories about People and Lifestyle photography, including Executive Portraits in the studio and corporate lifestyle on location in offices and facilities.
There are even some How To… guides for how to start planning your next photoshoot and make sure it runs smoothly.
These are the latest tales about people and lifestyle photography from a Boston based commercial photographer.
Like what you see? Let's talk!
Need an estimate for your next marketing push and want some effective “a picture is worth a thousand words” images?
Get the ball started by simply reaching out through the form below.
We’ll get back with you asap!