Making the RENT poster for the Footlight Club, Part 1
Part one of the RENT Shoot at the studio.
Part one of the RENT Shoot at the studio.
Creating a theatrical marketing piece, with Freakshow Poster Photography behind the scenes and video.
Poster photo manipulation for Arsenic and Old Lace
A Photo Illustration and Behind the Scenes video for a poster for a black comedy called “The Pillow Man”.
Casting and shooting Queen Titania and the search for the perfect Donkeyboy!
Boston based theater company Divine Stage Works has an evil plan for their poster shoot!
Creating Rain in a makeshift temporary studio, for Singing in the Rain, backstage at the Emerson Umbrella.
So, strip it down to the basics, make it eye catching and appealing and make it a fantasy. What better fantasy than the cover of a beauty magazine?
Photo composite layering with Leina Okamura’s illustrations meshed with digital photography.
The fun part of the shoot, for me, was watching these two professionals go to work and create the relationship between the two main characters.
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